Website Goes Live

Under Construction!


Yes, today is the day this website first became actually visible to the public!

Now I just need to figure out how to change fonts, and how to make that darn email address at the bottom into a link!

102 Replies to “Website Goes Live”

    1. Dear Ab,

      Well, I only just finally got comments to work tonight! That is truly sad.

      Hoping the new year finds you well… I’ve been remodeling a house for us but four hours away… eventually I will have my very own shop and lots of room!

  1. Great stuff, Katie.
    I have quite a lot of play sheets which I will shortly have to dispose of.
    They will probably end up at in the recycle bin otherwise. I also have a couple of Pollock Limited wooden theatres, one is a “Large Pollock” and the other a “Neptune”. I shall be selling these off at reasonable prices as I want them to go to good homes.
    Let me know if there are any particular plays in the English repertoire you would like and we can probably agree a price. Note that shipping bulky stuff to USA might be costly!
    Regards, Brian

    1. Dear Brian,

      Well, I never did get the ‘comments’ section working on the site until tonight! That is so very sad.

      I hope you found somebody more together to accept some of your lovelies!

      This year I’ve been remodeling an outrageous house four hours from ours, and will have a shop of my very own, and plenty of room to put things. Sigh!
      All my love,

  2. Wonderful, Katie! I love that the banner on the homepage raises as you scroll down, and it looks like the curtain is lifting! I’d love to see more shots of you performing and kids performing.

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